
Thrown into the world of Momento

After watching Dark City, the plot of Momento seemed rather repititive. Missing the first day of Momento, I was thrown into a perplexing mix of scenes and actions. With a film like Momento it is quite difficult to catch on half way through the plot as if nothing was missed. I found myself experiencing the same sense of emotion that Leonard was experiencing. You wake up and don't know what world you are thrown into. The film I was thrown into came back at me with a pleasant surprise. The more realistic and closer to life scenario of Momento made the film more relatable than the sci-fi genre of Dark City. The director maneuvered the chronological sequence of the film in such a skillful way as to show the audience or viewers(us) the confusion of Leonard's mind. We learned in class that Leonard was actually capable of forming new memories since he had flash backs of injecting insulin into his wife. At the time he did that he probably invented the story of Sammy to make himself forget that he was the killer of his own wife. It must be devastating to hold those memories forvever by writing them down so it is easier to just make up fake memories to remember in the future. The real truth cannot be traced and Leonard gets away with living a comppletely fake life chasing the unknown:John G.

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